About us

Photos: Paul Bauer and Franz&Sue/Louai Abdul Fattah

Today our team of more than 100 people from 15 countries represents one of the most successful and innovative architecture practices in Austria. Our architecture is clear, reduced, and committed to quality. For us, dialogue at eye level is of utmost importance.


Franz&Sue&walk the talk.

»We stand by our words. Always. This is what makes us a reliable partner, ready to walk short or longer paths, and winding roads, too.«


»We pay great attention to quality. That’s why we invest just as much time, energy, and devotion at the end of a project as in the beginning. And any point in between.«

Franz&Sue&the free radical.

»We believe in relevance beyond fashion trends. That’s why our architecture is clear, radical, and sustainable. Made by people for people, not for prestige or short-lived vogues.«

Franz&Sue&breaking routines.

»Contradictions and differences are essential to our approach, for they reveal new perspectives and potentials and keep us self-critical.«

Franz&Sue&the No.

»We stick to our values and take our responsibility to everyone who encounters our architecture very seriously. Therefore, a No is just as important to us as a Yes.«

From Architects with Love

We, the five founding partners at Franz&Sue, first met during our studies in architecture at TU Wien. After graduation we founded two independent architecture practices in Vienna: one as Franz, the other as Sue. In our legendary Fight Club discussion rounds we realised that not only do we share the same approach to architecture, but we also speak the same language when it comes to our business culture and our commitment to building culture. Then, in May 2017, we merged to form Franz&Sue. Since January 2022, long-time employees Corinna Toell and Björn Haunschmid-Wakolbinger have strengthened the management team of Franz&Sue as new partners.

The seven partners of Franz&Sue are Harald Höller, Björn Haunschmid-Wakolbinger, Michael Anhammer, Erwin Stättner, Robert Diem, Corinna Toell und Christian Ambos (FLTR). Photo: Max Kropitz


Our city quarter house and architecture cluster Stadtelefant is a project that’s close to our hearts: an office building right beside Vienna Main Station in the new Sonnwendviertel neighbourhood, which we designed, developed, financed, and built together with affiliated architecture offices, institutions, and companies in the sector. We have been working here since the end of 2018.

Mimi im Stadtelefant cooks fresh food for us every day. We eat lunch together in our in-house cafeteria and network with other architectural enthusiasts at events.

Photo: Andreas Buchberger


  Franz&Sue&learning from one another.

»We are general planners who work in big interdisciplinary teams. We have learned to listen carefully and give the best idea priority over hierarchical structures. We’re convinced that architecture can truly succeed when there is a common vision and everyone puts their vanity aside now and then.«

  Franz&Sue&letting go.

»We believe that good architecture must be able to survive in the world on its own. This means withstanding changes and proving its adaptability, no matter how it is used. When we let go of our designs in the end, they must be able exist without us. Only then have we done everything right and can celebrate what we have created.«

Photo: David Schreyer

After the competition is before the competition

The majority of our projects evolve out of architectural competitions. In the past years we have won more than 50 competitions in the realm of educational, residential, and office buildings. At the moment 25 projects are in progress, including educational facilities, hospitals, transport buildings such as the stations of Vienna's new underground line U5, as well as administrative, office and residential buildings.

In 2020 Franz&Sue were awarded the Lower Austrian Culture Prize in the category Architecture. Our projects were previously honoured with the Clients Award, the Austrian State Prize for Architecture, and the Fiabci World Prix d’Excellence.



Photo: David Schreyer
2024»Lernen auf historischem Sockel«Gersthof school project in "Die Presse"
2024»Studienzentrum der Montanuniversität in Leoben«Article on baunetzwissen.de
2023»Dalles de béton sablé en porte-à-faux«Stadtelefant in AMC
2023»Studienzentrum in Leoben«Project report in AIT
2023»Monolith an der Mur«, »Die Wohlfühlschule« Project report and article in Zement+Beton
2023»Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten mehr«Main topic Health Care in DBZ
2023»Volks- und Mittelschule in Leoben«Projektbericht in Detail
2022»Architektur von Menschen für Menschen«Interview Architektur Fachmagazin "People"
2021»Die neue Bescheidenheit«Interview in KURIER-magazine "Architektur"
2021»Zum Elefanten fusioniert«Building Times
2021»Quartiershaus Stadtelefant in Wien«Detail
2020»Architektur ohne Eitelkeiten«Intermezzo with Franz&Sue in Radio Ö1
2020»Geschichten aus dem Lockdown« Video for "Vortragsreihe Stadtansichten"
2020»Das Nichtperfekte ermöglicht vieles« Interview in WohnenPlus
2020»Rendezvous mit Franz&Sue«   Interview about competitionline-ranking
2019»Ein Elefant für die Stadt« Interview in Immo-KURIER
2019»Beyond Instagram« Interview in H.O.M.E. magazine
2019»Die beste Idee zählt« Interview in Zement+Beton
2019»Salzburg: Vom Gefängnishof zum öffentlichen Raum« Justizgebäude Salzburg in Die Presse, Spectrum
2017»Sammlungs- und Forschungszentrum der Tiroler Landesmuseen«architektur.aktuell
2013»An Architect’s Eye to the Future« The Wall Street Journal
2024Archello Awards "Housing Project of the Year - High Rise Tower"Nordbahnhof Residential High-Rise, Vienna
2024GerambRose 2024Division of Anatomy Meduni Graz
2024best architects 25Nordbahnhof Residential High-Rise, Vienna
2024BIG SEE Awards 2024 "Winner"Division of Anatomy Meduni Graz, Graz-Puntigam Elementary School
2023Archello Awards "University Building of the Year"Division of Anatomy Meduni Graz
2023Iconic Awards 2023 "Best of Best"Montanuni Leoben Study Centre
2022Vorbildliches Bauen in NiederösterreichIST Austria Chemistry Lab
2022Bessere LernweltenLeoben Inner City Education Centre
2022Niederösterreichischer BaupreisIST Austria Chemistry Lab
2021Holzbaupreis Wien – wienwoodWohngemeinschaft Lisseeweg der Caritas Wien
2020Niederösterreichischer KulturpreisFranz&Sue-Werk
2020best architects 21Leoben Inner City Education Centre
2020gebaut 2019Architecture Cluster Stadtelefant
2019BauherrenpreisArchitecture Cluster Stadtelefant
2019Staatspreis Architektur und NachhaltigkeitSalzburg Courthouse Redsign and Enlargement
2019FIABCI World Prix d'ExcellenceCollections and Research Centre of the Tyrolean State Museum
2018Staatspreis ArchitekturCollections and Research Centre of the Tyrolean State Museum
2016Vorbildliches Bauen in NiederösterreichSocial-Pedagogical Centres Hollabrunn
2015best architects 15Musikverein Zwettl
2014Niederösterreichischer BaupreisProduction hall Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH
2013Vorbildliches Bauen in NiederösterreichSingle-family house in Eichgraben
2013best architects 13NMS + BORG in Deutsch-Wagram
2010BauherrenpreisTown Council Building Ottensheim
2010Aluminium Architektur PreisTown Council Building Ottensheim


2024Volks- und Mittelschule Leopold-Kohr-StraßeOn-Stage-Seminar, Überbau-Akademie, Wien
2024»Veränderungen aushalten«Lecture Series Casino A, Ulm
2024Wohnhochhaus NordbahnhofOn-Stage-Seminar, Überbau-Akademie, Wien
2024TURN ON 2024Lecture, Das MuTh, Wien
2023»Strukturen denken statt Programme«AIT Dialog - TECEconnects#5, Hamburg
2023TURN ON 2023Lecture, ORF Radiokulturhaus, Vienna
2023»Neubau des Leitspitals im Bezirk Liezen«Panel discussion, HDA Graz
2023»Bildung nachhaltig planen«Lecture, IMH conference, Vienna
2022»Einfach (Um)Nutzen«Lecture, Architekturzentrum Wien
2021»What is measurable in architecture?«Lecture, Piran Days of Architecture
2021»Design the design process!«Lecture, TU Wien
2021ArchitekturumtrunkLecture, Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden
2021»Combining digital and analogue working methods«Lecture, Graphisoft Building Together
2021»Stadtbausteine für lebendige Quartiere«Lecture, DETAIL-Kongress 2021, München
2020»Franz&Sue und die vielen Geschichten«Lecture, architect@work Vienna
2020Ausstellungseröffnung ZV BauherrenpreisLecture, Architekturhaus Salzburg
2020»Sprechen über Architektur«Lecture, Zentralvereinigung der ArchitektInnen Österreichs
2019»Von Wichtigem und Unwichtigem«Lecture, Kunstuniversität Linz
2019»Gerecht bauen!«Panel discussion and book launch, Az W, Vienna
2019TURN ON 2019Lecture, ORF RadioKulturhaus, Vienna
2018YoVA4 - Young Viennese Architects and Landscape ArchitectsLecture and exhibition opening, Istanbul
2018TURN ON 2018Lecture, ORF RadioKulturhaus Wien
2017House of the World 2017Lecture, Ljubljana
2017»Small-Scale City, Space for Children«Lecture Days of Architecture ‘17, Banja Luka
2014Pecha Kucha NightLecture, Sarajevo


  • All
  • Partners
Foto: Louai Abdul Fattah
Louai Abdul Fattah
Draftsman, Photographer
Foto: Architect DI Julia Aigner
Architect DI Julia Aigner
Foto: Architect DI Guillermo Alvarez Rodriguez
Architect DI Guillermo Alvarez Rodriguez
Foto: Architect DI Christian Ambos
Architect DI Christian Ambos
Founding Partner
Managing Partner
Foto: Ing. Oliver Amschl
Ing. Oliver Amschl
Building Economics
Foto: Architect DI Michael Anhammer
Architect DI Michael Anhammer
Founding Partner
Managing Partner
Foto: Ing. arch. Andrea Batha Pernicová
Ing. arch. Andrea Batha Pernicová
Foto: DI Julia Bauer
DI Julia Bauer
Architect, on leave
Foto: Architekt DI (FH) Roger Baumeister, MSc
Architekt DI (FH) Roger Baumeister, MSc
Foto: Fabienne Beyer
Fabienne Beyer
Graphic Design, on leave
Foto: Architect DI Regina Blauensteiner
Architect DI Regina Blauensteiner
Department Head Construction Engineering
Foto: DI Magdalena Brodka
DI Magdalena Brodka
Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: Miriam Dibiasi, BA BA
Miriam Dibiasi, BA BA
Office Management, Human Resources
Foto: Architect DI Robert Diem
Architect DI Robert Diem
Founding Partner
Managing Partner
Foto: DI Linda Ercusi
DI Linda Ercusi
Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: Mag.a Maren Fellner
Mag.a Maren Fellner
Department Head Human Resource Management
Foto: Dieter Fellner, MArch
Dieter Fellner, MArch
Architect, Department Head Digital Tools, on leave
Foto: Architect DI Roland Frey-Müller
Architect DI Roland Frey-Müller
Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: DI Gabriel Garcia-Gordillo
DI Gabriel Garcia-Gordillo
Architect, Digital Tools
Foto: Mag.a Elisabeth Gruber
Mag.a Elisabeth Gruber
Office Management
Foto: DI Darija Gunitzberger
DI Darija Gunitzberger
Architect, on leave
Foto: Architekt DI Clemens Haller
Architekt DI Clemens Haller
Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: Ing. Michael Hanzl
Ing. Michael Hanzl
Department Head Construction Project Management
Foto: Architect DI Björn Haunschmid-Wakolbinger
Architect DI Björn Haunschmid-Wakolbinger
Foto: Architect DI Barbara Hohensinn
Architect DI Barbara Hohensinn
Foto: Architect DI Harald Höller
Architect DI Harald Höller
Founding Partner
Managing Partner
Foto: DI Diana Jarinčiková
DI Diana Jarinčiková
Architect, on leave
Foto: Architect DI Thomas Karl
Architect DI Thomas Karl
Foto: DI Alba Keneta-Mandija
DI Alba Keneta-Mandija
Architect, on leave
Foto: DI Lukas Kroboth, BSc
DI Lukas Kroboth, BSc
Construction Project Management, Sustainability
Foto: DI Carla Kuhn
DI Carla Kuhn
Architect, on leave
Foto: DI Martino Friederico Libisch
DI Martino Friederico Libisch
Architect, Team Leader
Foto: DI(FH) Tanja Marben
DI(FH) Tanja Marben
Architect, Department Head Interior
Foto: DI Katarína Martoňáková
DI Katarína Martoňáková
Foto: Asmir Mehic, BSc
Asmir Mehic, BSc
Architect, Visualization
Foto: Ing. Stefan Mitrovic
Ing. Stefan Mitrovic
Draftsman, Construction Project Management
Foto: Anna-Katharina Nickel, BSc
Anna-Katharina Nickel, BSc
Junior Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: DI Laura Posadinu
DI Laura Posadinu
Architect, Interior
Foto: DI Thomas Prlić
DI Thomas Prlić
Public Relations, Communications
Foto: DI Claude Probst
DI Claude Probst
Architect, Department Head Competition
Foto: DI Christoph Putz
DI Christoph Putz
Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: DI Kristina Riche, MSc
DI Kristina Riche, MSc
Architect, Project Management
Foto: DI Thomas Rögelsperger
DI Thomas Rögelsperger
Architect, Project Management
Foto: Ella Charlotte Schade, BSc
Ella Charlotte Schade, BSc
Foto: Jan Niklas Schöpf, MArch
Jan Niklas Schöpf, MArch
Architect, 3D Modelling
Foto: Architect DI Erwin Stättner
Architect DI Erwin Stättner
Founding Partner
Managing Partner
Foto: DI Katrin Stefanzl
DI Katrin Stefanzl
Architect, Interior
Foto: DI (FH) Nicole Tanneberger
DI (FH) Nicole Tanneberger
Foto: Architect DI Zsolt Toarniczky
Architect DI Zsolt Toarniczky
Architect, Construction Engineering
Foto: Anna Vass, BSc
Anna Vass, BSc
Junior Architect
Foto: DI Lucie Vencelidesová
DI Lucie Vencelidesová
Architect, Team Leader
Foto: DI Clemens Werb
DI Clemens Werb
Architect, Department Head Project Management
Foto: Architect DI (FH) Simone Wesp
Architect DI (FH) Simone Wesp
Architect, Project Management


We look forward to your application at:

 Photo: Andreas Buchberger


Franz und Sue ZT GmbH
Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 23/3
1100 Vienna


+43 1 941 52 65–0

Media contact

DI Thomas Prlić
+43 1 941 52 65–52




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