Body of Research, Division of Anatomy, Med Uni Graz, Styria | See project

Franz&Sue and the people behind the scenes | Photos: Paul Bauer and Franz&Sue/Louai Abdul Fattah | About us

From Architects with Love, City quarter building & architecture cluster in Sonnwendviertel, Vienna | See project

Franz&Sue&the No.

»We stick to our values and take our responsibility to everyone who encounters our architecture very seriously. Therefore, a No is just as important to us as a Yes.«

Franz&Sue&daring to dream.

»We are dedicated and full of hope because we believe that each vision and each idea needs one thing in particular: the boldness to give it a chance.«

Franz&Sue&walk the talk.

»We stand by our words. Always. This is what makes us a reliable partner, ready to walk short or longer paths, and winding roads, too.«

The New Centre, Konrad Lorenz Secondary School in Gänserndorf, Lower Austria | See project

Franz&Sue&letting go.

»We believe that good architecture must be able to survive in the world on its own. This means withstanding changes and proving its adaptability, no matter how it is used. When we let go of our designs in the end, they must be able exist without us. Only then have we done everything right and can celebrate what we have created.«

Franz&Sue&learning from one another.

»We are general planners who work in big interdisciplinary teams. We have learned to listen carefully and give the best idea priority over hierarchical structures. We're convinced that architecture can truly succeed when there is a common vision and everyone puts their vanity aside now and then.«

A Choreography of Speed, U5 Metro Line, Construction Site Frankhplatz | See Photo Story


Aiming High, Nordbahnhof Residential High-Rise, Vienna |See project

Construction Site U5 Station Frankhplatz | Photo Story


»We pay great attention to quality. That’s why we invest just as much time, energy, and devotion at the end of a project as in the beginning. And any point in between.«

Franz&Sue&the free radical.

»We believe in relevance beyond fashion trends. That’s why our architecture is clear, radical, and sustainable. Made by people for people, not for prestige or short-lived vogues.«

Franz&Sue&breaking routines.

»Contradictions and differences are essential to our approach, for they reveal new perspectives and potentials and keep us self-critical.«

Terrasses Ace the Test. Leopold-Kohr-Straße Primary and Secondary School, Vienna |  See project

Preserving Creation, Evangelical Church Campus Nuremberg, Bavaria | See project


The Cycle of Life, New Headquarters for Berlin Waste Management | See project


Berlin Duet, Federal Ministry and Residential Complex, Berlin | See project

Monolith on the Mur, Montanuni Leoben Study Centre | See project