Leoben Learning Landscape

Leoben Education Centre, Styria
Competition Winner

The historically listed primary school in the Leitendorf district of Leoben is a particularly authentic example of 1950s functionalism. For the renovation and expansion of the school, we draw from the qualities of the existing building and turn it into a modern education centre.



Stadtgemeinde Leoben


In Progress

Net Usable Floor Area

5.102 m²


1. Preis

Leoben, the third

Franz&Sue and Leoben: That sounds like a perfect match. Styria’s second largest city has championed the construction of education facilities for years. With the Study Centre of the University of Leoben and the conversion of the Primary School and the New Secondary School, we have already contributed twice to this endeavour. Now it’s time to realise our third educational building in Leoben: In the district of Leitendorf, we are renovating the historically listed Fröbelgasse primary school and expanding it into a modern education centre. In the future, two existing schools will be consolidated at one location. After the expansion, the new all-day primary schools will offer space for 400 pupils in 16 classes.

50s Original

The special feature of the existing building, designed by the Leoben architect Emmerich Donau and built in 1953/54, is that it is a striking and particularly authentically well-preserved example of the functionalist design language of the 1950s. On the exterior, this can be seen, for example, in the uniform articulation of the windows. Inside, almost all the furnishing elements, such as the original terrazzo floors, mosaics, wooden portals, the doors to the classrooms, and the wooden windows including the fittings remain intact in their original design. Also the floors and the lockers in the hallways date back to that time.

»Last but not least, the project stands out from the perspective of heritage preservation.«

Excerpt from the jury protocol

Spaces for Contemporary Pedagogy

A conversion into a cluster school with classrooms organised in groups was not possible within the scope of the existing building structure. Nevertheless, we wanted to create spaces that would enable contemporary pedagogical concepts to be implemented and meet the requirements of modern all-day school education. In order to consult the wishes and needs of the future users, the Viennese architecture studio nonconform organised an ideas workshop with the entire school community at the end of June 2022. The results formed the basis for the competition.

Wide Hallways, Open Classrooms

In our design, we not only preserve the existing corridor structure but also employ these generous access areas to expand the available teaching space. Every second locker unit is replaced with a glazed surface, creating a visual connection to the classrooms and merging the hallway areas with those for lessons.

»We integrate the spacious circulation areas to expand the space devoted to pedagogy.«

Central Square for Breaks

We transform the ground floor into a versatile learning landscape and rearrange some of the functions: The former assembly hall now serves as the new central locker room, and the former gymnasium as a multifunctional room, which can also be used for external events. A new changing room wing forms the connection to the timber construction gymnasium in the north-eastern part of the site. An inner perimeter arcade with its open-air classroom links the old and new parts of the building. In this way, the buildings form a courtyard structure while articulating a new, clear division of the inviting open areas: a forecourt at the main entrance, the park to the south, the sports field behind the changing rooms, and at the heart of the school the new, leafy playground with plenty of space to relax and let off steam.

»All in all, a compelling project on so many levels, which is also economically feasible given the simplicity of the smart interventions.«

Excerpt from the jury protocol

Floor Plan Ground Floor

Floor Plan Upper Floor 1


Site Map

Type Of Commission

EU-weiter, nicht offener Wettbewerb


Stadtgemeinde Leoben

Gross Floor Area

6.033 m²

Scope Of Commission

Objektplanung Architektur


Leoben, Steiermark


In Progress

Net Usable Floor Area

5.102 m²


Lucie Vencelidesova (TL), Katarína Martonáková (PL), Luisa Feldrapp, Judith Mayr, Isabelle Siegelmayer, Ema Hočevar, Claude Probst, Alexandra Zöldhegyi, Jan Schöpf, Max Ebner


1. Preis